
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Gun Control Gun control is a major controversy right now. Gun control is something used to regulate who has the right to have firearms and who doesn’t have the right. Many shootings have happened recently; many innocent people have died due to people misusing guns. There have been more than one-hundred shootings in the year 2016. Some small some big, but these shootings are killing innocent people who have nothing to do with the shooting. Many major shootings have happened in the year of 2016; for example, the Orlando, Florida gay club shooting, the shooting in San Bernardino, California, and the shooting at Dallas, Texas. I think if we want to prevent all these major shootings, then we need gun control. The most recent major shooting that happened was in Orlando, Florida at the gay club. The people at the club did not know that they were going to be in a shooting that day. They were there to have fun and enjoy time with their friends, but that escalated quickly when a guy named Omar …show more content…

I think they should put more restrictions when people buy guns. The restriction I think they should add is when someone buys the gun they should do extra background checks and check if they have a card that allows them to buy the gun. Many people misuse guns these days, and if we don’t want that we need to put restrictions when people buy guns. The gun store people should do a background check on the person buying the gun so we know that person does not have a bad history of his life. We live in a world where nothing is safe, we have to be careful. If there were restrictions on buying guns, then we would live in a safer place. I want peace and I want to live in a peaceful, safe place and I don’t have to worry about my life or my family’s life. I think everyone wants to live in a safer place where they don’t have to worry about anything happening to the people they love. Go guns should be allowed, but used in an appropriate

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