Fitness Goals Essay

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When it comes to health and fitness: the buddy system really works. That’s because you’re less likely to back out of a fitness class if your best friend is signed up with you. Who would’ve thought having a friend on broad for afternoon smoothies could keep you from reaching for junk food? So it only makes sense that when it comes to fitness goals – or any goals for that matter – you shouldn’t do it alone.

According to Paul B. Davidson, Ph.D., involving other people in your goals – by asking them to participate or just sharing your plans with them – is a key part of reaching them. To put it another way, when you share your fitness plans with someone, you’re making a verbal commitment to yourself – and those around you – to fulfill your goals.

If you’ve been thinking about exploring ways to push yourself mentally and physically, then a workout partner just might be the answer. We all enjoy time with close friend and family, so why not combine the two? After all, a workout partner not only improves emotional intelligence, but helps you increase your fitness level as well. So whether you’re looking to lose weight and tone your muscles or just improve your overall health, a partner in the weight room will benefit you in a number of ways. …show more content…

One reason is that a lot of diets flat out don’t work. Another reason is peer pressure – a feeling that doesn’t end in adulthood. Peer pressure in this case, however, is used to influence our behavior – in a positive way of course. Normally, when someone workouts alone, they might start to lose motivation, which can quickly turn into a snowball effect. After skipping one workout, you might then skip two and before you know it, you’re paying for a membership you don’t even use. Does this sound