Persuasive Essay On Homelessness

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Homelessness. Wealth classification. Both are major obstacles preventing NZ from becoming a just society. Here’s one of the things that links them; housing. Today, I’m going to be explaining what a just society is, how the housing system works, what the Auckland housing crisis is, why it’s unfair to these different groups, and what the solution is. What is a just society, and can it really exist? A just society is a place where everyone, no matter what race, gender, class, or sexuality they are, is treated fairly, reasonably, and equally, with the same opportunities. Everyone gets along with everyone else. No-one feels hate. No-one commits crime. No-one gets more or less money, and everyone has the same value. This sounds like an amazing place, …show more content…

A homeless person cannot move into an apartment if they don’t have a source of income, and while they may still legally be provided for by the authorities, the money provided is - as a reader on stated - paltry. The New Zealand Youth Allowance rates average at around a weekly $200 if you are not provided for by a parent or guardian - and the median weekly rent for the North Shore is $590 (according to the Ministry of Business webpage). As you can see, it would be almost impossible for someone in this situation to be able to afford to rent a living space. This showcases problem #2; the money. The plan is also not beneficial to environmentalists because with a higher density of residents, more cars and their fumes will be polluting Auckland. This will destroy our environment and create huge amounts of smog. Just think about it - 422,000 new homes. As 92% of New Zealand households own at least one car (according to almost all of them will own or purchase a car. That's an incredible amount of pollution - as stated ‘the ‘average car emits 6 tons of carbon dioxide a year’ (or 2.5 kgs of CO2 for every litre of

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