Homeless Problem

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Homelessness is a serious problem all over the world. This problem used to be of an emergent issue but is now seen as a chronic problem (Howard 38). Almost everywhere people go there will be homeless on the street or overcrowded shelters nearby. Chronic, transitional and episodic are the three main types of homelessness (Byrne 3). Although most people think that having no money makes you homeless, in fact, to be considered homeless you just have to not have a permanent home. Some statistics would be 55% unemployed, 33% alcohol abuse, 15% drug abuse, 3% physically disabled (O’Reilly-Fleming 38). Homelessness usually starts from tragic life occurrences/events, death, job loss, violence, and disabilities. On the other hand, a multitude of …show more content…

The all-time biggest question for homeless people is “why not try to make money” (Conley 27). The majority of homeless may be too lazy or unmotivated, but other homeless are unable to get jobs or just simply do not make enough money to uphold themselves. 1/3 to ½ of homeless are already employed but are unable to financially sustain themselves. On the other hand, many jobs require an address, or phone number which is a huge problem for many homeless. Transportation to and from work, along with dressing up smart to fit your job are also factors to consider when homeless try to get employed. Before anyone says anything judgmental about all homeless people being lazy and selfish, look at the statistics and what it would be like to try and get a job from their …show more content…

Opening your home for the homeless if you have a spare bed or couch could be very beneficial. Everyone should remember that offering for a complete stranger to come into the house could be a terribly dangerous situation. Only open up your home after complete consideration of who exactly is coming into the house. Letting strangers into your house should never be the first step to fixing homelessness, but if you have a family member or old friend who is now without home, then allowing them to stay a few nights would be very kind. To summarize, this is not the most suggested option, and should only be considered if the “homeless” person is safe.
This homelessness issue will only continue to become more prominent if nothing is done to stop it. The amount of homeless people in the united states has steadily been increasing, unless everyone steps in to help stop it, it will never decrease (Burt 206) Millions of other issues do not have solutions, but homelessness is one that does. Everyone should step out of their comfort zone and go the extra mile to help. Unless someone has personally experienced what it is like to be homeless then nothing should be compared to how hard it