Have you ever wondered where the honey that you eat comes from, well i can answer that question. It comes from bees! But there is a problem, the bees are starting to become endangered! I can see how in some cases that giving up the bees and trying to keep our food sources without them can be easy in some scenarios, but helping the bees can help us even more. Bees provide so many things for us like food, fiber, and shelter. Bees also pollinate all of our flowers. Without the bees our flowers will not be as healthy. Overall we really need bees for a lot more than you would think. One of the most important things about bees is that they provide us with food. The bees provide us with honey that we put on a lot of things that we eat. Without the …show more content…
When you walk outside in spring and see all of those beautiful flowers glistening with color, you can give thanks to the bees! You would not want to wake up and go outside to a boring colorless yard now would you! Of course NOT!!! The bees pollinate all of our flowers and plants by coming to a certain flower and drinking polline. Now I know what you're thinking “ OH NO!!! THEY ARE DRINKING ALL OF OUR POLLINE.” But what they are really helping pollinate other flowers who need the polline more. How do they do this you may ask, well what they do is, when they go and drink some polline out of the flowers some of the pollen sticks to her body, so when they are flying back to their hive they are actually dropping polline onto some flowers or plants who need it more. I can easily see how giving up the bees could be a lot easier in some ways. You can say that we can can live without what the bees do for us. And I can see how that would be so much easier than trying to save them. I can also see how it would take a lot of hard work and dedication to save all of the honey bees. But with all of this I still believe that we should try to save them. They just do so much for us that I don't think the world would be as good without