Persuasive Essay On House Of Representatives

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Our government is a big organization to the point where we won’t understand everything that goes on in it. The House of Representatives is one of the two chambers of Congress. There are many important positions in this chamber including 435 workers. Dozens of members of the U.S. House of Representatives miss more than two-thirds of their session committees. Although, the people in this chamber take a big part in the U.S. government, they should have penalties for not coming to most of their meetings and having low attendance. In my opinion, there should be a law on missing a certain amount of days and still having your job. Even though the representatives are able to serve a two-year term, they shouldn’t be able to keep the job if they aren’t coming to it. It is showing off a bad image to the citizens of the country even though the representatives are supposed to show a good image. There is no point in being a representative if you don’t know what’s going on and aren’t informed with any new information, this is why they need to attend their jobs. The House of Representatives are in charge of voting on different bills, without the knowledge of what’s going on, therefore they don't know what they are voting on. In the previous paragraph it was stated that there should be penalties for missing a certain amount of days of work. These …show more content…

The process evolved from the 14th century as a way for parliament to hold the king’s ministers accountable for their public actions. More than 60 movements for impeachment have passed the House, including 2 presidents, but just 8 have ever been convicted by trial in the history of the nation. The House has initiated impeachment proceedings more than 60 times but less than a third have led to full impeachments. The House is granted by the Constitution the power to impeach an elected official, though the Senate will hold the