Persuasive Essay On Human Genetic Engineering

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Human Genetic Engineering is the process of altering a human’s genetic characteristics through our DNA. It can help humans in many numerous ways, such as expanding their lifespan, and making them as healthy as possible. Human genetic engineering can also help a newborn baby by killing cancerous cells that can harm the body. One process of genetic engineering is done through gene therapy, the application of genetic engineering to the human cells in order to cure a disease caused by a genetic defect. This topic has been controversial in our society for many years and it still is being debated on today on whether we should allow it or restricted from the human race. Human genetic engineering is the future of the human race. This is why we support …show more content…

According to, “many common diseases come from a defective gene, such as hemophilia and arthritis.” Further development of procedures like gene therapy would be able to cure those fatal illnesses. states, “All reseach involving human genes is legal but must undergo reveiw and approval”, which shows that gene therapy will only be used if completey safe. If we do expand the research of human genetic engineering, gene therapy will be developed and could be the first step to eradicate all sicknesses, diseases, and …show more content…

Many crops and animals have shown very positive signs when their genes have been modified. When the research is conducted, the chances of risk will be immensely subdued. Even allowing us to accomplish more with Human Genetic Engineering. The benefits of Human Genetic Engineering are much more significant than the acceptable risks, making the danger not likely. Finally, the issue of ethics might limit some people’s views of Human Genetic Engineering. One main point of ethics is that, we “shouldn’t play god”. People say this even though the human race has been playing god with nature for a long time, with crops or animals, making this phrase invalid. As a second point, religion, and how we shouldn’t pick at god’s creation. According the the First Amendment, we all have the freedom of religion in America, not limiting anyone or anything to a single religion. This Amendment allows us to believe in anything we want, making the argument of religion

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