Hunting for Food We all go to the market and buy meat to feed our families but why not feed our families meat that we hunted ourselves. Who knows what that cow or pig ate, how they got harvested, how unsanitary their “home” was at a factory farm, feed lot, or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Many people see hunting as a pointless sport and crime to nature but there are many beneficial things to hunting, not only for humans, but the animals and their ecosystems. Although many people are against killing animals and eating meat from animals killed at a factory farm which is more convenient, hunting for food is more beneficial because it can help regulate uncontrolled animal populations and wild animals that are being hunted live …show more content…
Piccione explains that without hunting, farmers would not be able to protect their crops from overpopulated deer, car wrecks caused by deer would increase, and many more things would be greatly affected by the overpopulated deer population (Piccione). Not only does hunting help control populations of wild game, it brings money to the states. “Most people aren’t even aware that hunters’ money buys critical wetland habitat and funds wildlife research in every state” (Piccione). “The effective use of the legal hunting season is the best way to control deer populations” according to the population control article by University of Illinois Extension (“Population …show more content…
Animals such as deer, elk, turkey, rabbit, wild pig, and different fish such as tuna, catfish, and trout and many more animals out there that can be hunted are very lean because of their active lifestyle and their natural diet; therefore, their meat is lower in total and saturated fats than red meat (Jampolis). When eating game meat that is hunted there is no need to worry about injected hormones, toxins, steroids, and additives that everybody should worry about while eating meat that was raised on a factory