
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The legalization of Marijuana can not only be construed to be a matter of free will and individual freedom, but it could also benefit the country economically. Aside from the negative effects marijuana can have on your lungs, it could help thousands of others medically as well. While yes, there are cons to the legalization of Marijuana, one would be surprised by the amount of pros and benefits that would come from legalizing it. Legalizing would boost revenue tremendously for the government. The government is looking for creative ways to make money for projects and funds. Studies have shown that since the legalization of weed in Colorado, from taxing Marijuana they could potentially make millions each year. Despite what you hear about Marijuana and how unhealthy it is, studies have shown that it can actually help medicinally. …show more content…

Legalizing it would give scientists more room to study and research it. Marijuana shouldn’t be legalized without any restrictions. It should be legalized and studied and have restrictions set in place so it is not abused or more harmful than helpful. Alcohol and tobacco are actually proven to be more harmful to the human body than Marijuana is. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning, and around 400,000 people from cigarettes and tobacco. It is said Marijuana users have more damage to their lungs than cigarette and tobacco smokers do. But this is only because weed smokers tend to inhale longer and deeper than cigarette smokers. It has nothing to do with Marijuana

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