Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The illegal drug of my choice is Marijuana. The main reason why I picked Marijuana is because it has been used for decade but, it is still not accepted by society. As well, it is in a war of illegal or legal. Although, in many states Marijuana has been legalized for medical and recreational use. My information will come from three sources which are Wikipedia, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), and Drug Policy. Source one is National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH); it is a government research website. The common name used for Marijuana is Weed. Other slang words to describe Marijuana are herb, bud, pot, grass, Mary Jane. Marijuana comes from a plant name Cannabis Sativa (the hemp plant). People add weed to their drinks and food; the …show more content…

It does not state who the author is but, it based on data that researchers from the government found. The information was last updated on April 2017, which is not to long ago. The information is not biased but, there are no evidence to back their information up. As in there is no reference page. Source two is Drug Policy; it is an organization to support the legalization of Marijuana. This organization ask for donation from the people because they strongly believe that marijuana should be regulated and not consider a crime. Many believe that marijuana should be regulated like alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. There are some states in the United States that have legalized marijuana and they are Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Alaska, Colorado, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and …show more content…

It can be consumed by smoking, vaporizer, cannabis tea, and edibles. Smoking is usually done by joints, hookahs, and blunts. The vaporizer is when cannabis is heated to 329 degree fahrenheit which activate the ingredients without burning the plant. The reason why it vapors is because the boiling point for the chemical THC is 315 degrees fahrenheit. Cannabis tea is made with hot water and milk and then add lipophilic which is an oil contains a small amount of THC. For edibles, it is typically added to butter and baked goods and drink. You would make food like normal and then add marijuana as one of the ingredients. Cannabis is commonly made into a beverage name bhang in

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