Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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“The plant has nearly 500 chemical compounds, more than 60 of which are called cannabinoids” (Johnson). Cannabinoids are responsible for the effects marijuana has on the body, and the reason the user feels “high”. Medical marijuana should not be legalized because marijuana increases the chance of disease, decreases the effectiveness of body systems, and creates many side effects. Marijuana can significantly harm the body systems when THC is circulated around the body. Marijuana passes through the lungs and gets into the bloodstream, which eventually circulates back to the brain (“Does Marijuana Use”). Marijuana damages the brain which controls a lot within the body, including the lungs. The brain and lungs are not the only body systems marijuana …show more content…

The risk of infections increases in people that are HIV positive, but marijuana doesn't affect the development of AIDS or decrease white cell counts. The immune system can also be weakened by Aspergillus, which is a mold that can cause lung problems. Aspergillus grows on marijuana so that when it is smoked the fungus is then exposed to the lungs ("Marijuana and Lung Health"). Fungus within the lungs decreases the effectiveness of lungs significantly. Smoking cannabis is harmful to the lungs and it contains carcinogens that increase your chances of lung cancer. If the user has asthma, then cannabis could make their asthma worse. If you mix tobacco and cannabis then the lungs will have an even higher chance of being damaged ("Cannabis: The Facts"). If the lungs are damaged, then diseases develop easier. Smoking marijuana causes many diseases, but the effects of marijuana are what originally made the drug illegal in the first …show more content…

The side effects of marijuana are memory and learning problems, trouble problem solving, increased heart rate, difficulty thinking, and distorted perception are all short term effects of marijuana (“Does Marijuana Use”). The effects vary for different people, but most have the same common side effects. Some are very relaxed while others like to talk or giggle. Most users have the "munchies" which means they get hungry and want to snack. Colors may be more vivid and music may sound louder than it actually is. Time feels like it's going by slowly ("Cannabis: The Facts"). Although some effects only affect you for a little while others can damage processes for the rest of the user's life. Cannabis can damage ovulation in women and men making sperm. If the women are already pregnant then cannabis can hurt your baby before it's even born. Babies that are born undersized, premature, or with damaged to the brain's development are usually caused by smoking cannabis while pregnant ("Cannabis: The Facts"). Not only can people harm themselves, but also the people around them. The same toxins and carcinogens that the smokers inhale from marijuana also affect the people around them. There is no real data on if secondhand marijuana smoke actually affects the people, but the people are concerned that it could cause health problems among young children ("Marijuana and Lung Health"). Smoking around children could damage their immune

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