Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Many people within the world are experiencing medical concerns that cause major pain that medications can not help with, but what if there was something that could help? Well there is and it is a drug known as marijuana. However, this drug is pretty much illegal throughout the nation until recent years. There are a good amount of states that have decided to legalize it, but there is still a vast majority who have chosen to still not legalize it. Throughout time there have been many decisions on what should be legalized within our nation and what should not. This has been an ongoing debate on whether or not to legalize marijuana for years. Therefore, there has to be legitimate reasons as to why some states have continued to keep it as an illegal …show more content…

Many will then continue to live in pain for years because of the lack of help towards this issue. Luckily, with time some have begun to realize that it is irresponsible to not provide the best care to those who need it despite what the substance may be, “I have seen more patients like Charlotte first hand, spent time with them and come to the realization that it is irresponsible not to provide the best care we can as a medical community, care that could involve marijuana” (Gupta). In addition to the benefits that marijuana can provide it is causing other issues that could be resolved if it were to be legalized throughout the nation. There are many benefits that can occur from the legalization of marijuana as discussed throughout the article Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legal, one of which discusses the benefit of laced marijuana being decreased throughout the streets, “Legalizing recreational marijuana results in helpful regulation of a safe drug, without increasing potential negative consequences” (ProCon). This would allow for less people being killed from unknown substances put into the marijuana. Unfortunately people will continue to use this drug whether it is legal or not and that causes unfortunate situations to occur. However, if it were to be legalized it would provide a safe way to retrieve marijuana without the …show more content…

However, there are a good amount of states that continue to not legalize it and have chosen to not consider legalizing it at all. When discussing the states that have legalized marijuana that have made the efforts to do this by creating dispensaries where people can buy regulated marijuana that will not be laced with any harmful substances. Furthermore, there is clearly a way to do this in order to not cause any kind of issues. This would be through providing approved marijuana and providing age restrictions on it as well. While it is a good thing to legalize there still needs to be regulations on who is allowed to buy stuff like this so that it does not get out of control. When looking at the solution to making this happen correctly there are clearly right and wrong ways of handling the disruption of marijuana when it becomes legalized. Moreover, there has been a clear wrong model within the alcohol industry, “But if the model for alcohol hasn’t worked well with alcohol, why immediately replicate it with marijuana?” (Lopez). Furthermore, within other industries whether it be in the alcohol or tobacco industry there is a clear issue with the way they advertise in the media. It is clear that they are just trying to make money by selling it as something it is not. Therefore, the goal is to not repeat that with the legalization of marijuana. For instance a better way to go about the legalization of