So the issue with legalizing marijuana is because everyone sees bad with the product but the people don’t think of good in it either. The product that they call marijuana helps cancer patients fight the pain but I will get into that more throughout these statements & opinions. I think that marijuana could be legalized to help the people in need of it. To begin , some people say marijuana is addictive but really I do not see it. Marijuana can help those in pain to help get rid of it. Like cancer patients when the go through there therapy’s , most doctor will prescribe it to the patient to help them through pain. Marijuana was freely bought , sold , grown , and smoked here in the United States. But now after some activities it is now …show more content…
When you see someone who is so called “high” from the marijuana , you see them more relaxed and not stressing. But to also realize that tobacco is legal and marijuana is not and marijuana causes no harm to a human being. For example , so many people break laws by prohibiting the use of marijuana, does not mean that these laws need to be repealed. Some people think that marijuana is one of the worst drugs out there. Really tobacco use and heroin overdose is one of the worst thongs out here. Marijuana by itself should not be as legal as medical marijuana should be. Other people state that medical marijuana being legal is more money in drug dealers pockets. Which that statement is not true because the patients still have to go to that doctor and let that doctor give them what they need. People also think that if this shall happen drug dealers and others who usually buy marijuana will just be able to say that it is prescribed to them. People argue that medical marijuana is too dangerous to use and that various legal drugs make marijuana use unnecessary. That