
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana is the dried leaves and female flowers of hemp plants that are used as narcotics, hallucinogenic, or medicines. If the marijuana becomes legalized in every state, then the government can make lots of money. For example, Colorado created 18,005 full time jobs and added $2.4 billion to state economy in 2013 by giving people an opportunity to work in marijuana ranch and in the stores. Marijuana is also safer than alcohol and tobacco. Moreover, legalizing marijuana will destroy the illegal drug trade from foreign countries. For instance, every year so much illegal marijuana comes to the United States from Mexico, and by legalizing marijuana, illegal trafficking can be stopped. Many believe that legalizing marijuana can cause bad effects to people’s financial and physical state. For example, research shows that if someone uses marijuana for a long period of time, it can cause mental and physical problems (Drug Free World). Marijuana is not a problem; people are the ones who abusively use it. Marijuana should be legalized because it will help the economy, and help cancer patients as well as epileptic seizures patients.
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People’s brain continues to develop until the age of 21. But if someone starts to smoke Marijuana earlier in life, his or her brain will not be able to develop properly. To address these problems, doctors can make sure that their patients do not become addicted to marijuana. People need to see the other side of medical marijuana because it can help millions of people who are suffering from cancer and get epileptic seizures. In United States, three million people are diagnosed with epilepsy, and recent legalization of marijuana for medical has helped millions of patients as an ictal therapy. Anecdotal evidence shows that 21 percent of patients with seizures in tertiary epilepsy center admitted to using marijuana in the last

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