Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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There is an ongoing debate in this country regarding the legalization of marijuana. Some believe that marijuana destroys brain cells. Others say that legalizing marijuana will have negative impacts on communities by inviting in more crime. On the other side of the spectrum are those that feel that marijuana can medically help the sick. Some also think that legalizing marijuana can have a huge impact on economic growth by creating new jobs. The money that would be saved by not having to enforce prohibition would also benefit the economy. Research has shown that marijuana can be beneficial when used as medicine. Colorado and Washington have shown that you can put a taxation and regulation system in place without having negative impacts on the community. The government should be utilizing the research that has already been done on marijuana and they should implement the medicinal benefits that marijuana has to offer. Financial and medicinal benefits far outweigh the negative stereotypes. Legalization of marijuana will allow for taxation and regulation which will promote economic growth, provide the sick with medicinal benefits, and will reduce the cost of prosecution and incarceration. The …show more content…

The marijuana industry will certainly create a number of new jobs. The types of jobs that legalization could create are growers, dispensary employees, delivery drivers, and governmental jobs that oversee the taxation and regulation of marijuana. The list is endless as to how many jobs can be created with this industry. According to an article in The Daily Caller, “10,000 marijuana-related jobs have sprung up in Colorado over the last year” (Bennett, “Job Growth”). If legalization occurred in all other states, this could dramatically drop the unemployment rate

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