Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana is a drug that's been growing in North America since before the colonies existed. It comes from the cannabis plant also known as hemp. In colonial times, rope and textiles were made from hemp. Smoking cannabis, or marijuana, has mind-altering effects due to the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) chemical in it (“History”). This has made cannabis use controversial in America. Marijuana was first criminalized as a drug in 1937 along with alcohol (“History”). In 1970, cannabis was listed by the US government as a schedule one drug alongside cocaine, LSD, and ecstasy (DEA).
A schedule one drug has no accepted medical uses and it is considered to have a high potential for abuse (DEA). As early as 1972, the bi-partisan “Shafer Commission” recommended the decriminalization of marijuana to the Congress. President Nixon opposed that idea, but eleven states did lessen the penalties for marijuana possession in their states (Historical Timeline). Then Nixon declared a “war on drugs” and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) was created in 1973 (Historical Timeline).
Despite this “war,” Americans continued to grow, use, and research the effects of marijuana. In 1974, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has overseen all …show more content…

Studies show that marijuana is less addictive than opiates, and alcohol, which are currently legal in America, and regulated by the government. Most marijuana used today comes from one of two species of plants call cannabis sativa or cannabis indica. The risk of becoming addicted is relatively low and less than tobacco, alcohol, cocaine and any other drug that is out there in the world (Netzley 25). The number of cigarette smokers has gone done because more people are doing marijuana (The line). Overall, the use of marijuana in the place of drugs such as opioids would reduce drug related addiction and death in the