Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Everyday many individuals put their life at risk for an extremely addicting drug, a substance such as tobacco or a harsh cold glass of death called alcohol. Some may include the use of marijuana in the group listed. But ironically This marijuana is far less dangerous than all of them. While there are opposing sides concerning the effects of legalizing marijuana, the federal government has not taken into consideration the number of practical and beneficial effects of why marijuana should be legalized. The effects of legalizing marijuana will lead to significant medical benefits, not to mention the criminal justice system could start focusing on more serious offenses, plus it would present an opportunity to open legitimate marijuana business and tax revenue for the government. The planet itself has proven to outweigh the negatives with copious positives.
Marijuana is a common given name from anything made from the hemp plant, cannabis, sativa, this naturally found planet is recognized all around the world …show more content…

It is a great substitute for any man-made drug that are far more harmful and not to mention, it’s less damaging than the use of alcohol or tobacco. Legalizing marijuana is undoubtedly not stopping the youth from using it; it would drop the countries crime rate as well as uplift the economy by bringing unemployed individuals a chance to regain their morals and a chance to increase the government tax revenue. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose using this herb. Legalization of marijuana should with out a doubt happen for these