Persuasive Essay On Middle School Bullying

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Remember in middle school when that kid who bullied you and called you ugly and stupid in English class? You came home crying and told your mom everything and she just looked at you and said “I think you’re beautiful. Besides, it’s what’s on the inside that counts.” Have you ever wondered whether your mom or that bully was right? Probably not, you like the rest of humanity took your moms words to hear t and taunted that kid in gym class with head gear. Fortunately statisticians are not the rest of humanity and they conducted a study to see if people who were ugly really were bad at writing essays. Before your middle school bully can be disproven, and that it is what is on the inside that counts, we need to go through some numbers. Then, the statisticians promise, we can tell him to eat it. The five number summaries, helpfully expressed above as a box plot, allow us to quickly look at the data and we can spot some general trends. The highest median score belongs to the control group with an average score of 16.66 with attractive people coming in second at 16.4 and last was the unattractive crowd …show more content…

The p-value for the difference between the control and the attractive group is .632 which is very inconclusive meaning that there is likely no statistical difference in the means of the control group and the attractive group, what is on the inside couts. The p value for the unattractive group, however, is .05 which, at a 95% confidence level, is significant. Based on the p-values of the differences of the attractive and unattractive groups from the control group, we can conclude that there is probably not an advantage to being attractive, but there is a disadvantage if you are unattractive, the bully is

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