Persuasive Essay On Motocross

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Dallin Long Motocross is one of those sports that people think is easy. They think it’s just sitting and twisting the throttle. Well I can guarantee you that’s not how it is. I’m sure for all the people that think this, they couldn’t last one lap on a rutted track and do every jump without the proper training and equipment. All my friends that I race with know how hard it is. We all think on the first lap that we have the win. Then after that, you start falling back behind. There are some things you can do to help avoid this. Endurance is the number one key to a good race. Eating healthy will help out a lot, like no soft drinks, no junk foods, and try to eat as healthy as you can without going back to those bad food habits. This helps you to not get arm pump during a race. Arm pump is when your arms start getting tired, and you can’t move them as much as you could before. Working out for hours and hours is how the pros are trained. They hire trainers to help motivate and push them to their limits. Doing this will help you to be able to handle the bike better around turns and big jumps. It really pays off to hit jumps and corners fast when you are racing to either help catch up in a race or stay out front. Being smart on and off the track is another helpful skill. By riding smart and not going over your limits your chance of …show more content…

Keep your elbows up which helps control the bike around corners and straight-aways and keeps you in good balance. You also need to stay loose when you ride. When I see people riding at the track they are usually really stiff. This makes them a slower-paced rider. Terms like “scrubbing” or “whipping” are other words for staying low on a jump. This will make your speed faster since you are on the ground more than in the air between jumps. But this is definitely not something you can do your first time on a bike, it takes a lot of time and

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