Persuasive Essay On Obama Care

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President Barack Obama of the United Stated of America signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, ACA for short, into law on March 23, 2010. This happened with the goal of giving all Americans the opportunity to receive good and affordable health care. Because health care insurance often required a lot of money in the past, many citizens of the United States of America did not have the ability to gain coverage for their health. The US government has now changed that. Although many politicians have made strong statements against the Affordable Care Act, citizens of the United States of America should realize the benefits of the program and jump into the safe arms of health insurance. Many politicians, such as Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, have made untrue statements in relation to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Paul incorrectly declared that, because of the ACA, those who do not buy health insurance will go to jail (4). Although the government of the United States of America does require its citizens to buy health insurance, those who refuse to comply do not go to jail. Instead, the US government requires those residents to pay additional taxes …show more content…

They have claimed the law increases health care costs uncontrollably (6). Although in the first ten years, the program does add 940 billion dollars to the Federal budget, a study by the Congressional Budget Office found the Affordable Care Act will reduce the budget deficit by 143 billion dollars in those same first ten years. Lowering of the deficit will happen through many different ways, including through increasing certain taxes on higher income households and putting taxes on various health related activities. Another way money flows back into the Federal budget happens through penalizing employers who do not offer and individuals who refuse to buy health care insurance.

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