Persuasive Essay On Open Adoption

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It is the choice of a lifetime, something that can changes someone elses’ life forever. Giving a child hope, a loving family, and a chance to succeed in life is an inspiration to anyone. Adoption is such a beautiful choice in life. Choosing to adopt is an issue people struggle with for many reasons. Most people choose not to adopt because of the complications of open adoption, international, and same-sex adoptions. To begin one of the most common struggles faced to choose adoption is contact with birth parents. This is also called open “adoption”, which is contact with the biological parents after adoption. Contact with the birth parent will help to avoid problems that grown adopted children face when searching for their birth …show more content…

This could bring up troubles for the parents by giving up their troubled past. There are also many occurring psychological problems with adoptee that is caused by the lack of contact with their biological parents. Some psychological problems are that the adoptees do not know who they truly are, which then leads to the problem of them figuring out who they are. The adoptee also has problems feeling like they do not fit in with their family because they are not biologically the same. With some cases counseling is needed (Fisanick103). Open adoption gives the parents a chance to have a relationship with their child, and one thing that children need is contact with their birth parents (Fisanick96). As every day goes by open adoption is slowly becoming more and more popular. Another reason people hesitate to choose adoption is because of the struggles of international adoption. International adoptions are very costly and difficult, not only for the adoptee but the adopter. In the Adoption Institute Survey, 1,600 families participated. Of the Neuner3 1,600, 30% had information withheld about the process of adoption and the child. Another

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