Fishing in general would be acceptable if it was done in an appropriate manner. However, when people fish at such an unsuitable rate, it creates consequences. Killing off too many from a single species within a chain can create a domino effect on all life (Strauss). This is what exactly is happening: a chain reaction affecting marine life in poor ways. Time is not far away from changing marine life forever. One day, fish will no longer be an option for a meal unless people take risks to help marine life. The more people kill fish, the greater the chances are of not allowing the fish to populate themselves and lead to a species's extinction. Even though people fish for their benefit, does not mean they should do it frequently and not think about the consequences. Billions of people rely on fish for food and income which is a disaster (“Time is running out to find a solution to overfishing, UNCTAD warns.”). If only there were less businesses that relied on fish and just one huge business that took care of it all. After a while, businesses will slowly start to income because of not being able …show more content…
One of the most reasonable solutions is to fish less. In order for that to occur, “Congress passed landmark legislation that requires fishery managers to crack down on overfishing in U.S. waters” (Nash). This legislation will at least attempt to help overfishing by being more strict and regulated. This is just one way that the government is trying to stop fishing from being so crucial. Also, “The U.N. has produced a tough-minded treaty that promises to protect stocks of fish that straddle the coastal zones of two or more countries or migrate through international waters in the wide-open oceans” (Nash). This treaty allows the fish to be able to reproduce before they get caught and killed. The population of the fish will increase and keep the food chain running