Persuasive Essay On Performance Enhancing Drugs

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Lance Armstrong, a former professional cyclist, won many races in his career, including the world-renowned “Tour de France” seven times in a row. However, Lance Armstrong used drugs throughout not only the races he won, but throughout his career in general. As some people know, especially sports fans, many other athletes also use drugs to boost their performance level in their sport. Some well known examples of performance-enhancing drugs include steroids, cocaine, and marijuana. These, along with other drugs, could change how fans view not only sports, but also change society’s perception of drug use as a whole. The use of performance-enhancing drugs in athletics is wrong because it gives athletes an unfair advantage, it sets a bad example for future generations, and it is the reason for several health consequences. Of course, lots of athletes have the ability to outplay other athletes, but many do not get this ability naturally. One reason …show more content…

Performance-enhancing drugs, through decades of observations, have shown that many present-day athletes do not get their jaw-dropping athletic ability through hard work or getting in the weight room. When athletes use drugs to boost their performance, it sets a bad example for children for what to do when winning becomes a priority. Athletes that use performance-enhancing drugs even end up paying a big price in the near future with many serious and long-term health concerns. Athletes also can ruin the true meaning of competition and the spirit involved with sports for other players, coaches, and fans when drugs are used. Overall, drug use in sports has diminished multiple aspects in the sports world. But to stop performance-enhancing drug use would restore all of the lessened aspects in not only athletics, but also in this

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