Performance enhancing drugs are not equally available to any who might want them. Those who are willing to risk detection can obtain whatever advantage they may or may not receive in a given sport, while those equally interested but do not want to partake in the risks are denied whatever those gains might or might not be (“”). The athletes who do not use them put in hours of hard work everyday to achieve their goals for getting stronger and bettering themselves for the sport they play. Athletes that do take them get the same effect of those actually working to get stronger and better in a much shorter time frame and many of the drugs they take gives them more energy to work out harder and longer which makes it unfair. Those who …show more content…
Also if performance enhancing drugs became legal, more athletes would feel inclined to use them, causing more health issues from overdosing and misusing them. If steroids became legal everyone would feel like that have to use them in order to “level up” to their competitors. This could potentially cause athletes to take more than prescribed because they will feel sure they will outdo others which in turn is only going to hurt them worse. The use of steroids causes more harm within one’s body than the benefits they receive from taking them. When steroids are taken the question of whether or not they give an unfair advantage comes into play. Athletes take performance enhancers to purposely better themselves so it is harder for their opponents to go against them. Taking performance enhancers is not by accident, athletes know when they take them that they will increase their performance over others. The knowingness of this causes it to be cheating which is unfair. When athletes take performance enhancers, their natural abilities to play are taken away and replaced with a chemical formula. They then are no longer are showing off their God given talents which does not make watching sports as interesting because you know the work you see them putting in is not from them. Overall, performance enhancing drugs are an inadequate way to achieve athletic advancement and should remain