Essay On Prescription Painkillers

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Prescription Painkillers As the human race grows the demand for better health care and medication to support our exponentially growing population. What happens when the medication and healthcare system we trust and believe in to keep us going slowly kills us? With the invention of medication with curing and pain reliving properties abuse has always been in the same conversation. In 1898 and the years coming a lot of new medication such as heroin, aspirin, morphine, cocaine and Barbiturates became common, in the years following the world had its first drug epidemic. A lot of people using medications didn’t know how much to consume and he doctors didn’t know exactly how much to prescribe, most of the patients were test subjects as they were used to understand how medications with different properties affected the human body and mind. A few years after regulations …show more content…

As much as we would want to list all the negatives associated with prescription painkillers we have to come to terms that if suppressing pain and helping the patient with recovery wasn’t the main purpose then it wouldn’t be administered. Prescription drugs are needed for the country to have a reliable healthcare system the fact that addiction plagues our hospital s true but with modern medicine and innovation comes change, with this improvement there should be a decline in opioid addiction cases, cheaper medicines and effective medication with a lower risk of addiction. To put this in perspective prescription drugs are essential for a thriving healthcare system to help people deal with pain is like lifting a big burden of them and to have this option is essential as most countries have shortages were the population can’t acquire