Persuasive Essay On Refugee Children

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The definition of a refugee is someone who seeks refuge or safety from a threat, i.e war. Such is the case for millions in Syria. Whether they’re going to Germany or America, they all do it to escape. To find a home where they can start anew. Unfortunately, it’s never as clear cut as this. Thus, many hurdles must be jumped to achieve this goal and not enough migrants make it over these hurdles. Two articles adapted by Newsela shine light on these problems. The first article focuses on the increasing amount of refugee minors being sent alone to seek asylum and the second on one family in Fresno, California to share their experience to raise awareness. Refugees today face many obstacles such as finding a place to seek asylum. Some families resort …show more content…

Poverty prevents them from all going, so he must go all by himself, unsure if he’ll ever see them again. It’s an incredibly brave and heartbreaking decision many families and young children deal with. Later, in the same article they speak more on what these families are hoping to achieve “ Some family hope that the children will be able to get work and send back money. Others hope asylum will lead the way for other family members to join them. In the course of the journey unprotected youngsters can be attacked or robbed”(Refugee Children) Similar to how, in WWII, fathers were often sent ahead of the rest of the family, in order to find a job and use the money to pay for the rest of the families fees, children are being sent to do the same. It’s common for children to make this trip alone with no guardian leaving them vulnerable and exposed. One last challenge that makes seeking refuge difficult is chance. Whether or not they will be successful making money or even getting into their destination. In Koweifi’s instance, it’s Germany

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