Persuasive Essay On Refugees In Australia

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P- The response of the Catholic Church to refugees and asylum seekers has significantly affected communities both in Australia and throughout the world.
E- Refugees and asylum seekers are people who have fled war, violence, conflict, or persecution and crossed international borders in pursuit of protection in another country. An asylum seeker is someone who has not been officially recognised by the UN as a refugee.
E- The Catholic Church frequently assists with refugees and asylum seekers demonstrating love, compassion, and respect.
L- They are motivated to go into the world and assist people who are in need, constantly being led by Jesus' love and teachings.

BODY 1 - scripture
P- The scripture passage titled “The Judgement …show more content…

This mandate extends to the larger community as well, not just Christians, as it is a humanitarian issue that requires collective action.
L- Matthew 25:35-40 highlights the importance of showing kindness and extending hospitality to those in need, including asylum seekers and refugees, as it is an act of love towards God himself.

BODY 2 - cst
P- The Catholic social teachings of “Solidarity” and “Life and Dignity of the Human Person” are important to consider when reflecting on the state of refugees and asylum seekers in the world today.
E- Solidarity can be demonstrated through support from citizens and communities. This can include volunteering time or resources to help refugees and asylum seekers settle into their new environment, advocating for policies that protect their rights, and fostering a welcoming environment.
E- Refugees and asylum seekers are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. Governments and societies have a moral obligation to protect the life and dignity of refugees and asylum seekers.
L- In following the Catholic Social Teachings we are morally required to help the vulnerable and less fortunate in as many ways as we …show more content…

E-The Social Justice Declaration (2015–16) by the Australian Catholic Bishops calls on all Australians to reconsider how their country handles asylum seekers, particularly those who arrive by boat. It challenges us to acknowledge the hardship that compelled these individuals to look for safety far from their homes. E- Pope Francis has been a vocal advocate for migrants and refugees, calling for greater protection and assistance for those forced to flee their homes due to war, violence, or persecution. He discusses refugees and asylum seekers in Laudato Si' within the broader context of our responsibility to care for our common home, the earth. He acknowledges that many people are forced to flee their homes due to environmental degradation, wars, conflicts, and extreme poverty.
L- The Pope speaks about the difficulties of refugees and asylum seekers in several sections of Laudato Si', but his main focus is on the need for global solidarity and compassion.