Persuasive Essay On Retirement Planning

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All Americans know that retirement planning is vitally important. We know that pensions are a thing of the past, and that Social Security is likely to be "reformed" so that it does not provide the same benefits it once did. We know that we must take the planning bull by the horns ourselves. And yet, few Americans take full advantage of employer-sponsored retirement planning services like 401k's. For workers without employer-sponsored retirement vehicles, retirement planning and saving is even lower. Sadly, those of us who fail to plan should plan to fail. Retirement Planning - How Much Will You Need in Retirement? Step One in planning is determining how much you will need. Will your mortgage be paid off? Will you have other outstanding …show more content…

When retirement planning, anticipate 3 percent inflation per year. If you earn $60,000 per year, planning experts say you will need an inflation-adjusted $42,000 per year in retirement. If you were retiring in ten years, this would mean $54,800 per year. If you're not retiring for 25 years, then plan on needing more than $85,000 per year. A grisly aspect of retirement planning is estimating how long you will live. If your planning exercises tell you that you will need $85,000 per year, and you plan to retire at 65 and live to 90, this would mean you would need a staggering $2,125,000! Retirement Planning Products and Services Step Two in planning is determining the products and services that best fit your retirement planning needs. You may have one set of products that you use during the "accumulation phase" of planning the saving and investing during your working years; and another during your actual retirement years, where the emphasis will be on wisely utilizing your nest

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