Persuasive Essay On Right To Die

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The issue on end-of-life decisions has been a very polemical topic which has been debated under the popular term "right to die." "Right to die" includes the issues of suicide, active euthanasia, passive euthanasia, assisted suicide, active suicide, palliative care, and physician-assisted suicide. As many Americans argue that euthanasia should not be legalized for it is considered murder, many defends this argument, stating that the ill patient actually has the right to choose to die if it will help them die in a dignified and peaceful way. If the patient is actually choosing and agreeing to go through this procedure, it is technically not murder. Euthanasia should be allowed and legalized within the states in America for people have the explicit right to choose, have the right to a good and peaceful death, and people should have the "right to die." As individual human beings, each person has the explicit right to choose and make their own decisions for themselves. Anderson, a supporter of euthanasia, claims that "beyond the philosophical implications of man’s right to live or die lies man’s explicit and fundamental right …show more content…

If their choice is denied, their humanity is being trespassed. For many human beings, a dignified death is preferable than constant suffering, so they should have the availability of deciding on euthanasia (Anderson). The same way people make choices throughout their lives, they simply also have the right to choose. However, many refutes this argument and claims that giving the choice to die is practically encouraging death and murdering the patient. Anderson, however, argues that "in the case of euthanasia, we simply request assistance to facilitate this right of choosing how to exit this world." Euthanasia is actually helping and respecting the patient`s decision to end his/her life in a peaceful

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