
Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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School Shootings In most cases, students are just getting out of a two hour long algebra class about the FOIL method and how to properly distribute expressions on paper. Students are opening their lockers to put their math textbooks away, while the kid at the end of the hallway is moving his dad’s gun to his backpack. These kids are so worried about what is going to be served in the cafeteria, soccer practice, their newest crush, and spirit week that they have zero inclination of what is going to happen moments away because someone decides to put their finger on a trigger. No one can ever be 100% ready for a shooting; 100% prepared to run, fight, scream, or hide; or 100% ready to die at the hands of a classmate. While reading an article …show more content…

wrote in response to these shootings that we should all be considering each option and proposal to make students aware and help minimize this result from taking place. School shootings were such a rare event twenty years ago, now we hear about marches, broadcasts, blogs, and memorials more often than we can forget about them. After one mass shooting Barack Obama said, “Somehow this has become a routine. My response here at the podium ends up being routine, as does the conversation in the aftermath of it. We’ve become numb to this.” These shootings are scary to even comprehend. When they become directly associated with our own lives because of a family member, friend, or ourselves are at the front line, it’s almost unimaginable. Which is why intruder trainings need to be enforced, students need to have some sort of preparation, teachers need to feel like they can protect their students, and we all need to feel like schools are a safe place to send our children. Schools should be a safe place to go to work without being terrified someone might come to campus with a weapon. Schools should be the last place someone things to physically attack anyone. Unfortunately, we hear more about school mass shootings the last few years than we do of bank

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