Persuasive Essay On Sea Level Rising

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Yes, sea level rising is happening more often now due to the global warming and the glacial melting. A sea level rise, which is caused by man-made carbon dioxide affects several popular cities along the coast lines. Miami and Miami Beach already struggle with serious flooding related to sea-level rise, even when there is no rain. The ground under the cities of South Florida is largely porous limestone, which means water will eventually rise up through it. Cities such as Galveston Texas and New Orleans face similar problems. The cities are taking flood-control measures like installing pumps, raising roads, and restoring wetlands. Sadly, coastal cities around the world face similar problems. Sea levels rising has taken a harsh toll on the shore …show more content…

These waterways provide the city with numerous economic benefits and amenities, including a massive naval base, strong maritime industries, recreation, active waterfronts and shipyards, and deep-water ports. These amenities have contributed to the successful development of the city…yet the waterways also pose challenges. Norfolk’s low elevation and proximity to waterways also make it extremely vulnerable to flooding. Specifically, the city is at risk for precipitation flooding (rain intensity exceeds storm drain capacity), storm flooding (surge from storms like hurricanes), and tidal flooding (related to elevation and proximity to coastline). The city is also at risk for impacts from sea level rise and subsidence, which only magnifies the effects of flooding events. In the U.S., millions of people will be affected or replaced by the rising sea level. Reason being, is because most Americans now wants to own or live on ocean front property because of the dynamic view of the ocean. Some might not want the ocean view so they opt to live in the nearby vicinity of the beaches and resort towns. They are greatly affected by the flooding not only because of the oceanfront but because of the of low lying areas that are susceptible to

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