Persuasive Essay On Self Driving

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The United States in 2010, spent a total of $99 Billion dollars on medical care and productivity losses due to motor vehicle accidents. The leading causes of car accidents are human error, such as distractions and poor judgment, and natural hazards, like ice on the road and fog blocking the driver's view. Many car accidents happen in the blink of an eye unable to avoid it by themselves. Many people have mixed emotions about self-driving cars like they are too expensive or there’s more enjoyment in manually driving a car, but when the lives of those you love and yourself are in danger, you will do anything to make sure they are out of harm's way. Poor decisions are rendered on the road every day. Someone is checking their phone while driving. There’s also someone driving while under the influence of alcohol. There’s no reason to put yourself and others in these situations. It seems the best option would to be just let the car drive itself. Americans should make the switch to self-driving cars to eliminate human error, better prepare against natural hazards, and lower the increasing number of car accidents yearly. …show more content…

The company Waymo is an independent company created from Google’s self-driving car. project.Waymo has been the lead advancer in self-driving technology. They have been in the works since 2009 and are still focused on testing and dealing with different state’s driving codes and restrictions.(Waymo) More testing is required in order to have these vehicles ready to be driven by public. The amount of time it will take to begin production for the public is unknown and is not expected to be available to the public within the next few years. Price on both the car and all cost to manufacture are unknown to the public as well. The big issue with self-driving cars to the public is it's currently in the early stages of becoming a reality. It's too early in development to be able to set a price or a

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