Persuasive Essay On Snow Day

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Imagine you're a child and the snow is heavily falling down onto your yard. You pull up your snow pants, throw on boots, and run outside to make that long desired snowman. Everything seems so perfect in this winter wonderland, and it’s not until its June 29th and you're finally getting out of school that you realize how much of a waste that snowday was. Instead of spending the warm, sunny days swimming and relaxing, you are sitting restlessly at a school desk, just trying to complete those 180 days and finish school. Now was that snow day really worth it? What the educational system seems so oblivious to is that by counting hours instead of school days, there would be no need to stay in school and waste your summer. Instead, you’d be getting out just a bit into June, or even earlier. With a slight change, there would be no need to add days. There would be no need to spend excess amounts of time in school. There would be no need to say goodbye to our friend, summer. …show more content…

And, there is an even greater chance that the school you are currently in counts school days instead of hours. And, because you seemingly live in a snowy state where God loves to bless the lovely land with horrendous weather, it is also possible that you will remain in that school for weeks into June. The school can’t add minutes onto the day to makeup the lost time. Their only choice is to continuously add days and days onto the school year, forcing you to go to school forever. When friends and even friends of friends are getting out of school June 3rd and you yourself aren’t getting out until June 30th , it is a pain. These days are wasting your summer. These days are making you spend unnecessary amounts of time learning random information to just fill up time. These days may even be stressing you out and hindering your health, who

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