Persuasive Essay On Soda Tax

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Soda tax is something people have discussed. Should we raise the tax? Should we not worry about it? I think people should look into it, I have some reasons. But first, have you ever thought about what you are putting into your body by drinking soda? Soda tax. With soda tax obesity in the U.S.A. will decrease because less people will buy it. It will lower the cost of health programs. So, I think that soda tax should be a priority because it can help with obesity, and the health care costs for having a doctor. The tax on sugary drinks could reduce the percentage of obesity in the U.S.A. Obesity is a big cause of soda. A decent amount of obesity in America is because of soda. Lots of people love the way it tastes so they kind of get hooked to the soda. A soda tax will be helpful to reduce obesity. Even if the tax barely increases that could have an effect on those who don’t have a lot of money on their hands. Obesity can stop people from doing the things people used to like to do. People can have pain, might not be able to move around as much as they could’ve before they got into a soda craving. So, for now you could try your hardest to become unhooked to your soda consumption. …show more content…

Too much of going to the doctor can also drive up their health care costs. Giving the tax for sodas should be a priority because your health is important for you, and it won’t be great if you need a doctor but it costs more than it used to be. I’d consider stopping also because the sugar can give you diabetes. You would want to get a doctor for this. So if you are less fortunate and don’t have much money, health care is a higher cost so that won’t be that

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