Persuasive Essay On Stop And Frisk

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One of the most controversial procedures today is the stop, frisk and search. The stop and frisk law developed in the 1990’s under the fourth Amendment, it’s a US government policy where it can allow Law enforcement to stop and frisk civilians who are suspected to be carrying weapons using to commit crimes, these searches are often unsuccessful in catching criminals, but proponents of the program believe it is a successful crime deterrent and stopping potential crime; this sparks a large amount of controversy. According to a report from the public advocate office 532,9111 stops were conducted in 2012, down from 685,724 in 2011. Clear majority of those folks were blacks and Hispanics. The stop and frisk policy has given rise to cases of racial …show more content…

Stop and frisk policy violates the US citizens rights and measures must be placed to ensure our citizens rights are protected. Study conducted by Thomas Rhiel and colleagues that there is evidence that Law enforcement stop ethnic minority groups more often than whites. Researchers and statistics show that being an African American and or Hispanic you are mostly likely to be frisked and stopped by law enforcement. University of Missouri-St Louis's Richard Rosenfeld and Arizona State's Robert Fornango analyzes and found the stops statistically significant and negative effects of the lagged stop rates on rates of robbery, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and homicide and no significant effects on rates of assault, rape, or grand larceny," according to an excerpt given by the Washington post. Some say Stop and frisk can potentially help catch criminals, but not only are these searches are unconstitutional they are also ineffective. NYPD shows that there were a recorded 179,063 stop-and-frisk searches in the first quarter of 2013. Out of those people, 89% of them were in fact completely innocent (Stop-And-Frisk

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