Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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The armed conflict that exists in Syria is something that many are familiar with. For the past four and a half years, thousands of innocent Syrian lives have been claimed due to the civil war. As the conflict continues, many have formed their own opinions as to what should be done to assist the innocent people that are being held in the middle of the crossfire. It is no wonder that the debate questioning if America should allow Syrian refugees into the country has experienced great exposure. As one of the wealthiest countries with great security and military strengths, it is easy for the responsibility to quickly fall on the nation. America is seen as a stable country that often intervenes trying to resolve conflict. If America does choose …show more content…

People from other countries see America as a place to begin a new life where they are in control. To many outsiders America represents freedom. At this time, these Syrian refugees need to find a place where they can find not only safety but freedom to live a normal life once again. In the United States the refuges will be able to have clean drinking water, clothes, and even shelter. In the midst of all of the violence and that went all around them in Syria, the refuges will need to find a place where they can live a normal life again. This includes working jobs so they can provide for their families. Whenever people have something to call and show as their own, they have a sense of self-fulfillment. However, through this transition not only will this have an effect on the adults but as well as the children. When they come to America, they will have the opportunity to attend school once again. In America it is stressed how important an education is in order to get a high paying job in the future. B y allowing these refugees into the nation, we allow them to sill have that chance of a life by not denying them the most necessary tool in order to do so. There are so many opportunities that America has to offer that its current citizens often take advantage of. By letting these Syrian refugees into the country they are able and more than willing to take full advantage of those

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