Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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Canada should continue to be a haven for refugees because of the inhumane conditions they are coming from, they could also end up helping our county, because of the intelligent kids that could grow up to be very successful. We have nothing to fear because of the long five-step process they all have to go through in order to become a Canadian citizen. and lastly the Syrian refugees that came into Canada, seem to be adapting quite well here. More than half of the refugees in the world come from either Afghanistan, Syria and Somalia. In the past thirty three years, Afghanistan remains the country with the most refugees (2.56 million) but however this year it has a chance of being surpassed by the number of Syrian …show more content…

Most Syrian refugees who come to Canada will pursue or build on the many interests and careers they developed in pre-conflict Syria. Hopefully bolstered by the best of what Canada has to offer, generosity and freedom. bolstered by the best of what Canada has to offer, generosity and freedom. Many Syrian refugees know what it is like to live with people of other religions. This experience coupled with Syrians familiarity with the religion and their ability to communicate in Arabic would allow refugees so inclined to work collaboratively with officials and civilians on projects fostering tolerance and defusing conflict in the religion. Syrian refugees old key assets and life stories that can both indirectly and directly contribute to the long, but necessary, struggle to diffuse violent religious conflict. Syrian refugees are just like us, but have more knowledge about dealing with conflict of violence. They could also become what some of us aspire to be, a doctor, lawyer, police officer. If they attend High school and show people what they may be capable of doing, they could find themselves receiving a scholarship and attending a high end University, getting a medical degree, whatever they need to earn to become a helpful citizen of

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