Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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Replay of American History Have you ever wondered how history repeats itself? Or how the same issues repeat over the years? The sense of deja vu is always lingering in the air. Those who notice it either choose to ignore it or act upon it. Others are in deep denial, refusing to believe history ever repeats. Current issues today reflect those that happened centuries ago. History seemingly happens over and over again. Issues which arise in the news today can reflect events that happened years ago. One of the main controversial topics in the news now is whether we should allow Syrian refugees in our country.
Syrian refugees have been shunned by almost every country. Each country they turn to is shutting their doors, refusing to let them in. …show more content…

Some even deny the Syrians are like the Jews. However we did shut our doors on them when they needed help the most just like the Syrian refugees. “The following year, 61% of the US public said the government should not admit “10,000 refugee children from Germany - most of them Jewish”” (Zurcher Anthony). The main concern now is terrorists. A lot of Americans are fearful that if we let the refugees we will be letting the terrorists in. While it is true we are on a terrorism threat level, not all the refugees are terrorists. A couple of years ago we did let the Syrian refugees in. The difference between then and now is the more activity arose. However, we have ways to get background checks on everyone. “To be admitted to the U.S., however, refugees must go through several layers of security checks, interviews and health screenings, according to the U.S. State Department” (Comas Martin)As we still deny them, it puts to question why we don’t set up more areas to get them administered to the United States. If we set up more areas around the U.S, we can save a lot more Syrian refugees. It is true that camps have been set up to support the Syrians. They had been put in different places in and around Syrian. Yet theses camps are far from safe. When the camps first sprung up many Syrians rushed to them. But over time resources have run low. With lack of food, water and medicine they are turning to somewhere to be