Persuasive Essay On Tap Water

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We have been engaged by Sydney Water to convince a target audience to drink tap water rather than purchasing bottled water. We have targeted teenagers as they are the largest group of Australian consumers of bottled water and we believe they would be most sensitive to the benefits that come with switching to tap water.

Studies show that teenager’s link bottled water with healthy living. However bottled water is not guaranteed to be any healthier than tap water. In fact, roughly 40% of bottled water begins as tap water. The only difference is added minerals that have no health benefit. In fact, the French Government has advised people who drink bottled water that the added minerals in bottled water may be dangerous in higher doses.

Australians …show more content…

It is removed from the ground, packaged, transported and chilled before it makes it into our fridges. This creates over 60,000 tons of greenhouses gases a year in Australia alone. Australia even imports water from overseas countries like Italy and France to satisfy the demand for so called exotic bottled water. Do you really think that’s exotic, when the transport and manufacture of all the plastic bottles uses over 460,000 barrels of oil?

To further ruin our environment, less than 40% of these bottles are recycled; the balance ends up in landfill or in our waterways. The bottles used to package water take over 1,000 years to bio-degrade and if incinerated, they produce toxic fumes

Many people are realising the negative effects of bottled water and returning to drinking tap water. In some places in Australia, bottled water is being banned and instead people are being asked to bring a reusable container to the tap. Some people in certain locations believe they need filtered water, and there are a host of filter jug systems available or you can get a filter fitted to your kitchen tap. Bottled water wasn’t even heard of in Australia until the late 1980s, what did we do before