Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Motorcycle safety during non duty hours is essential whether it is wearing reflective materials, gloves, signaling while changing lanes or simply obeying traffic laws. Every day while driving we find ourselves distracted. Today’s technology can be one of these distractions. Texting while driving is a serious safety issue caused by the driver which affects all motorists on the road within the individual’s immediate vicinity. Wearing reflective or neon colored gear may help draw attention from the distracted motorist’s phone to the motorcycle rider. Obeying traffic laws also is a simple way to stay safe while operation a personally owned motorcycle. Temptations of “splitting lanes” become evident while stuck in traffic. (Splitting lanes occurs when the individual riding a …show more content…

Many vehicles are parallel parked; if a pedestrian was about to exit his or her vehicle an opening door would be catastrophic. Splitting lanes is illegal and should not be performed while operation a motorcycle under any circumstances. Although it is illegal in most states to split lanes, the state of California, in fact, has no such law. The action of splitting lanes still should not be preformed due to the safety concerns previously presented to you within this essay. A proper inspection on your motorcycle should be performed on a daily basis. A simple check of key components on your motorcycle may be the difference of a safe enjoyable ride as compared to your final ride ending in a fatal accident. Published from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, or MSF there is an acronym for such of an inspection. They dub it “T-CLOCS. T-CLOCS stands for Tires, Wheels, brakes, controls, lights, electrics, oil, fluids, chassis, and stands. Additional inspection items will be covered in your personal motorcycles operators’

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