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Dangers of distracted driving essay
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Texting While Driving In Texas Texting while driving seems to get many people into unwanted problems hence, it should be banned in Texas to get rid of unnecessary problems and killings. However, people still do not seem to get it and keep on getting distracted while driving by the calling of social life. Although they have tried twice, Texas' ban of texting while driving seems to always get vetoed. The citizens do not appear to realize how dangerous such occurrences can actually be.
Even if nothing tragic happens while driving, it doesn't justify texting and driving. Data and facts show that typing out a text message on your phone makes the chances of a crash 23 times more likely, even over dialing, talking,
Texting while driving is NOT something you should get used to, or something you should do….EVER. Recently it was proven that over 40% of the people that admitted to texting while driving consider it a habit - an EVERYDAY routine. That’s like taking drugs and considering it an everyday routine. Quit the texting while driving, you never know you could save someone’s life. 77% of the teen population have said that they feel confident on texting while driving, they think that they can still drive safely
At any given time, approximately 1 in 5 drivers around you are reading or writing a text message; quite scary, if you ask me. To put it bluntly today’s social norm is defined by how frequently you stay connected no matter the situation. The use of technology on such an often basis throughout the day, makes it tough for most people to know when to put the phone down. Eating and drinking while driving became such a normal habit, we did it sub-consciously. As a result, texting while driving became the norm like changing the radio station even though one is certainly more dangerous than the other, but until we say all distractions are unaccepted/illegal people will have a difficult time understanding how simple it is to prevent distractions on
Name: Davon Dower Date: April 15, 2015 Persuasive Speech Title: Texting While Driving General Purpose: to persuade Specific Purpose: To convince the audience that driving is a serious matter and it could cause risk Proposition Statement: I want to convince you all to start focusing more on driving then texting, because it can wait. INTRODUCTION: I. Attention Getter:
Customarily, within the United States at a mere sixteen years old, many young adults are obtaining their driver’s licenses. In truth, it is a really good thing for America’s youth as it not only promotes independence among the future generations, but it also opens doors to new responsibilities. However,as Spider Man once said, with great power comes great responsibility. This still holds true as with the great power of driving, comes a great deal of responsibility for the lives of everyone on the road. I pledge to not text and drive because not only do I put my life at risk, but also the lives of those who are on or around the road as well.
Texting while driving is a controversial topic. It has been a debate over the past few years on whether to create laws on texting while driving at the state level or not. Some states allow texting while driving while some states do not. These states founds that it should be a law to organize the use of cell phones while driving to reduce the crashes that occur unintentionally. States that banned texting while driving are …..).
Texting or calling while driving can subtract from the attention you are giving to your surrounding, and poses a serious hazard to the citizens around you. While there are ways to avoid texting and driving, there will always be some individuals who will choose to text and drive, so the only way to ensure that people do not text and drive is to put laws in place that punish folks who decide to put others in harm’s way. Cell phones and smartphones are a huge advantage in today’s society. They allow us to communicate with friends, family, coworkers, etc… This technology is normally beneficial, but there are times when you need to put your phone aside and pay attention to what is physically happening around you. One of these times is when you
According to Inkteen.com “In 2009, 5,474 lives were taken and 448,000 people got injured from car accidents from being distracted while driving, says the government.” Being able to drive may be a dream comes true, but it could easily turns into a nightmare that is never woken up from. The use of technology has grown in constant for many years, distracting people from things that are important. Texting and driving is one of the biggest problems in USA. However, not only are drivers putting themselves in danger, they’re putting passengers in their car and other drivers on the road in danger, too.
Damage Done By Distracted Drivers Did you know “ 1 out of every 4 car accident in the United States every day is caused by texting and driving resulting in nearly 330,33 injuries occurring each year” (schumaker,1)? Texting and driving puts many at risk besides the driver being distracted by a cellular device. Texting is the act of composing, sending, reading a text message, email, or making similar use of the web on a mobile phone while operating a motorized vehicle. Texting and driving is a growing problem that is only going to increase if we don 't do anything about it.
What parents don’t realize is having a cellphone in the car may add an additional distraction which could endanger new drivers. It’s very important that teenagers don’t text and drive because not only are their lives in danger but other drivers are as well. Not only that, they're not experienced enough to drive and text. Although many think they are, they’re actually the ones who get into car collisions because of their ignorance. If parents continue to allow their teenagers to text and drive, there will be a lot more car collisions and innocent injured
Texting and driving has caused many deaths among teens and others, and many families grieve every day, wishing that the worst action anyone can do while driving to become illegal. In the year 2009, 5,500 people died in texting and driving related accidents (Johnson, 2012). From then the numbers only go up because of the growth of technology. Since the issue has grown and causing more and more problems, laws need to change and become stricter to fit the new forms of
It is very important that the government provides good educational programs to help spread the awareness about texting and driving (Bratsis 70). One of the main reasons for texting and driving is that we cannot go a long time without our phones. It is very hard for us to go without using them. In a recent study, 70% of people could not go without using their phones for twenty-four hours (15 facts).
You are not just hurting yourself when you take this risk but you’re hurting the ones in the car with you and other drivers on the road. a. The other drivers on the road do not know that you take the decision to look down and text. C. Texting and driving is overall dangerous. 1.
Kids watch parents, parents watch parents and drivers watch drivers. A recent survey stated , 75% of teens say their friends text and drive and 77% say their parents text and drive. When people see other people texting, they might think it is okay to text and drive. Texting while driving is clearly dangerous for several reasons.