Persuasive Essay On The Juvenile Justice System

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The Juvenile Justice system allows kids, under the age of 18, to either be tried as adults and sentenced to life or taken to a juvenile center, to pay for crimes they’ve committed.If you are seen as a child under the age of 18, why should you be charged as an adult? Majority of the time, those sentenced to prison at a young age are then emotionally and physically scarred. The Juvenile System is injustice. The process of the juvenile system is quite hard to understand. Some youths can commit the same crime, but still end up in two different facilities. For example, a young kid who robs a store under false pretences can be sent to prison for up tp 10 years, while another youth who committed the same crime, can get so much as up to a couple months in a juvenile center. So why are two kids who committed the same crime, getting two completely different sentences. And the truth is that the juvenile system is messed up. It shouldn’t depend on what race you are or what and who sent you to be faced in front of a judge, because whether or not they meant to commit the crime, every youth should be charged the same, and no other way. …show more content…

Depending on what crime you’ve committed, you can be tried as an adult at almost any age in each state of the U.S. This makes no sense. If you are not seen as an adult in the eye of the law, why should you be charged as one at all? This goes to show how unjust the whole judicial system is. There is no reason that kids should be tried as an adult, if they aren’t able to do things an adult can do in daily life. But when it comes to the law and actions, they can be charged as one instantly, just because a prosecutor thinks it is okay to do so. There is no reason for charging a kid as an adult, if you simply wouldn’t treat them like one, in any other