Persuasive Essay On Universal Healthcare

1007 Words5 Pages

Lucas Baird
Mrs. Reigel
English Comp 3
Date: 20 March 2023

Universal Healthcare: How it is important and the ways it can benefit society.
For as long as modern medicine has been around America has been in a healthcare crisis in which American citizens haven’t been able to get healthcare even for serious diseases and injuries without paying their net worth in hospital bills. America is the world leader in military and economy but falls behind in life expectancy and medicine. All of Europe has been ahead of America in the medical field for years or as long as universal healthcare has been around. As long as universal healthcare has been supported around the world there have been people who oppose it stating that it removes competition and …show more content…

Most of Europe has been using a universal healthcare system for years and while America continues to stand against it, Europe has continued to produce longer life expectancies, better healthcare, and affordable medication. Life expectancy in America in 2020 was 77.89 years of age while in Germany the life expectancy was 80.94 years ( 1). Germany is one of the leaders in innovation in all aspects but continues to push policies that make medicine affordable and allow a larger portion of the population to have access to quality healthcare. America has been against universal healthcare stating that it removes competition while the government spends a larger percentage of the annual budget on healthcare than all of europe. Other countries have had incredible results with universal healthcare and america has the resources and the funds to make sure that everyone has access to universal …show more content…

America has been in a healthcare crisis for a long time and switching to a universal healthcare system instead of a commercial system would allow for a larger portion of the country to have access to healthcare and would provide Americans without health insurance another option. Commercial healthcare systems have proven to be effective yet cataclysmic to working class and low income families. The United States should implement a universal healthcare system that benefits all of its residents and healthcare reform should be on the top priority of the voters and