Persuasive Essay On Veterans Respect

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Many people do not give our veterans the respect they deserve. They risked their lives for us, our respect is the very least we can give them. Veterans should be respected because they gave up everything to go fight for us. Also, without them, America would not have the freedoms it has today, and we don’t know what they had to go through to get back to the ones they love. Therefore, we should give them not only respect by our words but with our actions towards them as well. Respect is the very least they deserve. They deserve to be able to live in the country that respects them and gives them the benefits they have earned such as jobs, healthcare, and a comfortable place to live. That brings a question that needs to be answered, What do we owe our veterans? We owe our veterans respect. This respect should be given every day not just on Veteran’s Day. Veterans should be respected and recognized because they gave up everything to go fight for us. …show more content…

Nor do we know how a wife or children felt knowing that their spouse or parent might not return. In light of these things, we owe them healthcare and homes. Veterans deserve to be able to afford to live in a home in the land they have defended. Veterans should not be living on the streets of America but with families and loved ones. In cases where this is not possible, they at the very least deserve to be cared for in facilities qualified to meet their physical and emotional needs. Many veterans return with injuries that need a lifetime of care and support, and not all of those injuries are physical. Post traumatic stress disorder and other psychological illnesses are common among returning veterans. They as well as their families need physical and emotional support to deal with all of the effects of their service. Quality healthcare and counseling are important benefits that veterans

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