Persuasive Essay On Weight Watchers

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Weight Watchers are trying to appeal to teenagers in order to gain ‘base for life’ customers. It sounds like an innovative plan, but teenagers are very insecure beings; growing minds and puberty causes minimal problems. Weight Watchers should know the harm they cause to young teens with a free six-week membership, rather than actually counseling insecure teenagers. In all honesty, weight matters for your health, but a teenager’s mental state matters the most. This program would cause negative and controversial topics for parents and kids. Weight Watchers should not try to appeal towards a younger crowd because teenagers will worry about their weight more negatively than positive. I’ve seen many people in personal experience and online struggle with their weight. A free membership isn’t very effective as much as emotional support and watching relatable and supportive videos online, “Kids will undoubtedly pay a heavy price for this "free" membership, in the form of body shame. It will not only affect …show more content…

It’s a bad idea to promote this program to ‘help’ teenagers, they should have targeted athletes to help them with their weight. Weight Watchers is a bad name to promote good health, this name tells young teens that they need to watch their weight; not improve on it, “The name is Weight Watchers, not Health Enhancers. The second the focus turns to weight, the potential for mind and body damage begins”(Scritchfield). As I said before, a teenager’s mentality is very crucial to improve on in healthier ways. YouTube is a great place to help insecure teens find people to relate to, people such as Shane

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