Persuasive Essay On Why California Should Recycled Water

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California has been in a drought for several years causing many people to come up with new ways to gain water. One way, for example, is recycling wastewater. This wasted water goes through several process to become drinkable, as I think we should do, but many still wonder if we should recycle our daily recycled water. First of all, we should recycle wastewater because it can be very beneficial. Recycling sewage or wastewater causes more water for California’s large population and agriculture. Wastewater consists of every drop of water you use in your daily life (expect drinking it of course). For example, as the article states (in a basic summary) the water you use to take a shower can be changed into purified drinking water. With every drop of wastewater being saved California’s population might not suffer from a drought anymore. …show more content…

The amount of water in a certain area affects the expenses placed on that certain object (in this case water). For instance, if California recycles all the wasted water the the prices of bottled water or even the expenses of water useage will go down. If we don’t save the water though, the prices will increase. We can also save energy as well. We can save energy by not taking water from our natural bodies of water. The article briefly supports this statement by saying, “...landscape irrigation and toilet flushing reduces the amount of potable water distributed to these sites, the amount of fertilizer needed, and the amount of wastewater generated, transported, and treated at wastewater treatment facilities. In other words, water reuse saves water, energy, and

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