Persuasive Essay On Why Kids Should Be Cursive

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Have you ever had that weird situation where you needed to sign something but you didn't know cursive, because it was not taught in your school? Cursive really should be taught in schools, but only to a certain degree. Kids should be taught to read cursive and to write their name in cursive, but not how to completely write in cursive. Cursive is faster and neater than normal printing. Studies show that people who write in cursive have more active brains, than those who do not. In the future kids will need cursive to sign important documents. There is a good way to save class time and only teach what is necessary in cursive and schools should try this out. The plan is whenever they have to write their name at the top of a paper is to make them write it in cursive. Then when the teacher needs to write a response she should write it in cursive, that way the kids have to learn to read cursive. With this the teacher can spend less time on teaching cursive and the kids can still learn what they need in the future. If the kid wants to learn to write all cursive then there can be an after school activity or they can learn online …show more content…

One of the only reasons printing is taught over cursive is that computers and books use printing, and that we teach the young to print first. Without computers, printing would be considered to be dropped but now every thing is in print. Even then we still need cursive, without it we couldn't sign checks or documents. All we are doing is making the futures of our young more difficult. They would have to learn to sign their name any way so we should at least teach our how to do it before they need it. We need to get them prepared, I'm in 7th grade and I can't really sign my name in cursive at all, and I've came across many situations where I needed it but I couldn't, all because they didn’t make me remember how to do it. I have almost no practice, because they didn't make me learn