Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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The United States has an education problem. According to the PISA worldwide ranking, out of 72 countries, our students rank 25th in science, 35th in math, and 24th in reading. For a country of our development, theses rankings should be considered disastrous. We have the money and tools to educate our youth, but the job isn't being done. The lack of year-round schooling is the cause of this failure. The U.S. education system needs year-round schooling because year-round schooling thwarts summer learning loss. It also stops student and teacher fatigue throughout the school-year, And finally, it allows districts to save money by allowing schools to be filled all the time, not only 180 days. Year-round schooling is a school calendar system that spreads the 180-day school year into chunks, with breaks in between. The purpose of year-round schooling as opposed to the current schedule standard in the U.S. is to use the same amount of school days, but to divide those days up more evenly. The issue with our current calendar is that it is very long with few breaks which burns out teachers and students, and its three-month break causes students to lose knowledge that they gained in the previous year. Year-round …show more content…

Tracks are a strategy that year-round schools use to maximize use of school space. The school splits up its students into different groups or "tracks", and then has some of those tracks in school, while the other track(s) is on break. This maximizes efficiency for the use of the school, because the rooms are always filled. Overcrowded districts are then allowed to save money by being able to accommodate more students without having to build more schools. Saving money ultimately means more money to spend on improving existing schools. Year-round schools allow for districts to save money and make schools a better place for their students and

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