Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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It is August. The back to school slogans are on the commercials again. After two and a half months, the students are sitting at their desks again, stressed and bored out of their minds as they struggle to relearn everything they have forgotten throughout the summer of playing video games, sleeping until 2 p.m., or maybe even going to work at 11 a.m.. If these reviews take up too much time, the teachers will not be on the right track. The students will not get to learn new subjects at the end of the course, and that makes things difficult for the teachers. They begin to get stressed, and they have not even gotten to unit one yet. Now imagine, it is August. Students return from a three week break, everything is calm. They get back in their routine for the next 45 days. The back-to-school month is either celebrated or dreaded for students and educators. It is filled with reviews of the year prior and scaling student’s progress. And, if a student needs a mental break, they need to power through tests, stress and studying to get a couple of weeks off. However, …show more content…

But the transition to this isn’t going to happen in 24 hours. The National Association for Year-Round Education reported in 2007 that 3,000 year-round schools enrolled more than 2 million students in the United States. And more recently, both Culver Community School Corporation and the Knox Community School Board have approved the balance calendar concept for the 2015 - 2016 school year. This is where summer vacation is changed from the typical twelve week schedule to the eight week schedule. And where summer is shed, year-round education makes up for that in benefits. According to Worthern and Zsiray, students enrolled will do either the same or will improve in their academic careers. They will also be more likely to showcase better attitudes toward school, which will improve attendance and graduation rates, and lessen drop-out

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