
Persuasive Essay Pro Euthanasia

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Dianne Pretty had Motor Neurone Disease and knew that every day the muscles that controlled and enable her to move, speak, swallow and breathe were going under degeneration meaning that one day she might die. But in the end all that she wanted is to be able to die peacefully surrounded by her family. Knowing that she was to suffer this fate she appealed to the courts in the UK, which was unsuccessfully and then she went to repeal European courts of human rights in order for her husband to help her die. Euthanasia is the painless killing of a person who is suffering from an incurable and painful disease or irreversible coma. If an average person was given the choice between life or death he would almost always choose life, but this is not evident in all cases. And this is the reason euthanasia or doctor assisted suicide is a very controversial topic. Euthanasia as a controversial topic has both Advantages or reasons for and Disadvantages or reasons against.

Euthasia can be classified in different ways. They are include
- Active and passive euthanasia
Active euthanasia is when a person is directly and intentionally causes the patient's death. And in passive euthanasia they do not directly end the patient's life, but instead they just allow them to die.
- Voluntary and involuntary euthanasia
Voluntary …show more content…

The ‘Euthanasia Laws Act 1997’ revoked the Northern Territory’s ‘Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995’ and forbidden the introduction of similar Acts in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and Norfolk Island. The Euthanasia Laws Act has disadvantaged the societies in their right through their government, to enact legislation to allow voluntary euthanasia. This has stopped terminally ill people the right to die. We think that we live in a free country where we can make our own decisions, but in reality we cannot even be allowed to make the decision to be able to live or not live in our

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